Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Anti wrinkle skin care products continue to climb in both popularity and as a way to fight aging. It was not too long ago that the medical community t

Carla Sosenko, a well known writer and Associate Copy Chief at Bauer Publishing, has revealed that she is suffering from Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.

Carla has written abour her condition in an essay in Marie Claire and also on her blog. She says “my right leg is larger than my left and trails slightly when I walk; my back is an uneven, fatty slab with a dense lump above the waist; and a gigantic port-wine stain reaches around my broad torso and down toward my right thigh.”

Medically, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a congenital circulatory disorder characterized by hemangiomas (abnormal benign growths on the skin consisting of masses of blood vessels), arteriovenous abscesses, and varicose veins, usually on the limbs. The affected limbs may be enlarged and warmer than normal. Fused toes or fingers, or extra toes or fingers, may be present. Bleeding may occur, often as a result of a rectal or vaginal tumor. The cause of the disorder is unknown.

The even worse part is “There is no cure for KTS. Treatment is symptomatic. KTS is a progressive disorder, and complications may be life-threatening.”

Check out the amazing story here and note the remarkable ending “My story doesn’t begin or end with K-T. I have a full social calendar, a job that I love, excellent clothes, a teeny-tiny nose ring, a filthy mouth, and a badass triangle pose. Most important, I have family and friends who care about me.”

Anti Wrinkle Skin Care is Possible

Anti wrinkle skin care products continue to climb in both popularity and as a way to fight aging. It was not too long ago that the medical community thought the whole process was a joke, but technology has brought some interesting products into the limelight and now there are products that are proven to fight back.

While you can use these products as a quick fix, there are others that are available for permanent fixes as well. Whether you are looking to tighten up that face for date night or looking for long term, all you need to do is apply the product and presto! It is as though you go back ten years ago to a much younger looking face.

The toughest decision you are going to have to make is what cream will work for you? A lot of the better ones may look great, but you have to make sure that they match up with your skin. Just because it works on one person, does not mean that it will work on you. You may find that you have to try a couple of different products before the perfect ones comes out on top.

You can also seek the help of the cosmetologist at your department store. Remember, this is what they are there for and you should make the most of their expertise. The more research you do and the more questions you ask, the more likely you are to find the product that works best for you

Friday, June 5, 2009

How does the doctor diagnose heart failure?

- The diagnosis is usually based on the case history combined with an examination that will look for an increased heart rate, abnormal heart sounds, the presence of heart murmurs, swollen legs, fluid in the lungs, increased distension of neck veins and liver enlargement. - To determine the extent of the heart failure, a chest X-ray is done. To establish whether a previous heart attack may be associated with the development of heart failure, an electrocardiogram (ECG) will be taken.- Blood samples are usually taken to check for metabolic upset and kidney function.

Right-sided heart failure/biventricular failure

- Swelling in the legs (oedema).- The oedema may lead to dry skin on the lower part of the legs due to pressure from inside the tissue. There may also be an eczema-type rash which can be complicated by ulcers which do not heal (venous leg ulcers).- Possible accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and organs, especially the liver. The organs swell and the abdominal wall might expand.

What are the symptoms of heart failure?

Left-sided heart failure
- Shortness of breath together with a reduction in mobility.- In less severe cases, breathing problems only occur upon exertion. - A chronic dry cough may develop. - Fatigue.

What causes heart failure?

Heart failure can be caused by many different diseases and conditions and can occur either as an acute, sudden effect or as a chronic, long-standing condition.
- Ischaemic heart disease - a blood clot in one of the coronary arteries can cause injury and irreversible damage to the heart muscle. - Hypertension - elevated blood pressure.- Diseases of the heart valves.- Cardiomyopathy - chronic heart muscle disease.- Congenital heart diseases. - Endocrine disorders, including decreased metabolism due to abnormal thyroid function (rare) and also increased metabolism due to abnormal thyroid function (rare).- Severe anaemia (rare).

What causes heart failure?

Heart failure can be caused by many different diseases and conditions and can occur either as an acute, sudden effect or as a chronic, long-standing condition.- Ischaemic heart disease - a blood clot in one of the coronary arteries can cause injury and irreversible damage to the heart muscle. - Hypertension - elevated blood pressure.- Diseases of the heart valves.- Cardiomyopathy - chronic heart muscle disease.- Congenital heart diseases. - Endocrine disorders, including decreased metabolism due to abnormal thyroid function (rare) and also increased metabolism due to abnormal thyroid function (rare).- Severe anaemia (rare).

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